Carter’s Charity Governors are from a wide cross section of society, including staff, parents and members of the local community, bringing with them valuable skills and experience for the benefit of our school.
Mrs. Sarah Strahan is our Chair of Governors, and there are currently 10 other Governors kindly volunteering their time and energy. We have a vacancy for a parent governor and will be conducting an election shortly.
By law, Governors are responsible for a range of school policy, details of which are readily accessible to parents from within school and via our website. We are keen to represent the views of parents when deciding strategy and policy, and regularly consult to gain this insight, recent examples being parental feedback on homework, Able, Gifted and Talented pupils, sex education, pastoral policies and school uniform. There are also periodic "customer satisfaction" surveys, where parents and children are actively encouraged to identify areas for improvement across the school. The results of such research are always considered carefully when formulating our school development plans for the future.
Our Governors are genuinely involved in the school and are very approachable should you ever wish to contact them. A full list of Governors is available from the school office. Opportunities to join the Governing Body come up fairly frequently, so if you are interested in joining or would just like more information, don't hesitate to contact us, either via the school office, the Headteacher or any member of the Governing Body.
Clerk to the Governors:
Governing Body Adviser
Governor Services
Lancashire County Council
01524 581191