Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Grant
Pupil Premium funding strategy plan
- Pupil Premium funding, is additional to the main school funding, is allocated to schools to help address inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and those children who are not.
Who is entitled to Pupil Premium Funding?
- Schools are currently given Pupil Premium funding of £1,480 per pupil for those whose families who have registered for FSM or who have been registered for FSM at any point during the past 6 years. The children of members of the armed forces are also entitled to this funding. In addition, schools receive £2,570 for each pupil who are looked after children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months or have been adopted from care.
How is the funding used?
- The key purpose of the Pupil Premium funding is to enable all pupils to reach their full potential. Each school may decide how best to use the funding to enable all its pupils to reach age related expectations and are held accountable for how it has been used to support pupils from low income families. Details of how Pupil Premium funding is used at Weeton St Michael's can be found below.
- We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms. At Carter's Charity Primary School, we will do whatever it takes to support a child, both in and out of the classroom. We use all our resources to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to excel. In order to achieve this we offer our children a wide range of opportunities, making sure these are accessible for everyone. We work with our families and colleagues to ensure high aspirations for all or our pupils.
- As a school in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, we are accountable to our parents and school community for how we are using this additional resource to narrow the achievement gaps of our pupils. New measures have been included in the performance tables published annually on a national level. They capture the achievement of disadvantaged pupils covered by the Pupil Premium.
- We are aware that under The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, Schedule 4 there is specified information which has to be published on a school’s website and we use the DFE required template.
- Section 9 of this regulation requires schools to publish ‘The amount of the school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant in respect of the current academic year; details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent; details of how the previous academic year’s allocation was spent, and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school in respect of whom grant funding was allocated’.
- Through this policy we shall publish the above information. In meeting this requirement we will observe our continuing responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998, so that individuals or groups of individuals, including children funded through the Service Premium cannot be identified.
How can I find out if my child is entitled to the Pupil Premium funding?
- The process for applying is straightforward and confidential. You can check online using a ‘Free School Meals / Pupil Premium Service’ at Free school meals - Lancashire County Council After entering essential details into the website, the online application process links to the Lancashire Local Education Authority system for checking eligibility and gives an immediate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, and will notify our school. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of staff, who will be able to assist you through this process. All enquires will be treated in confidence.
KS1 and Free School Meals
- Since September 2014 'Universal Free School Meals' ensured all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free lunch. However, registering for free school meals (even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, could raise an extra £1,300 for the school. These funds enable our school to take on additional staff and invest in additional equipment, resources and activities to benefit all children. Being in receipt of the pupil premium fund will also entitle your child to support with the cost of school visits.
What are the barriers to our Pupil premium children?
The main barriers our disadvantaged children face are around:
- Knowledge of the World and limited experiences, (In particular restricting Cultural Capital and the wider knoweldge of British Values and Diversity)
- Well being/Mental health (Impacting on behaviour, learning and socialising)
- Impact of poor speech and language on oracy and vocabularly, which in turn impacts on reading and writing
- Ability to maintain attention and focus and the impact this has on pupil's capacity to learn, which impacts on remembering key concepts
- Apathy around attendance and the understandng of the importance of regular consistant attendance at school, including being on time
- Low aspiration/Learning attitudes & behaviours, which can reduce potential attainment across curricular areas
- Low levels of parental engagement, domestic related issues, social and emotional needs, including mental health
How we will make decisions regarding the use of the pupil premium?
- In making decisions on the use of the Pupil Premium we will:
- Ensure that Pupil Premium funding allocated to our school is used solely for its intended purpose. We also recognise that the Direct Schools Grant (DSG) has an element of deprivation funding included in it to address the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
- Use the latest evidence based research on proven strategies which work to narrow the attainment gaps and adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.
- Be transparent in our reporting of how we have used the Pupil Premium, so that our parents, interested stakeholders and Ofsted are fully aware of how this additional resource has been used to make a difference.
- Encourage take up of FSM by working proactively with our parents and carers in a sensitive and supportive manner and to remove any potential barriers or stigma attached to claiming FSM. In doing so, we also recognise the vital role that parents and carers play in the lives of their children.
- Be mindful of the fact that eligibility and take up of FSM does not equate with pupils being considered to be of ‘low ability’ because of their social circumstances.
- Ensure there is robust monitoring and evaluation in place to account for the use of the Pupil Premium, by the school and governing body.
- Recognise the fact that FSM pupils are not a homogeneous group and cover a wide range of needs. As such the strategies we use to raise attainment will take these group and individual needs fully into account.
- Use high quality teaching and learning as the preferred way to narrow the gaps in attainment in the first instance. We will also use high quality interventions with proven evidence of impact to assist our pupils who need additional support in a time limited way.
- Use the Pupil Premium is used for all year groups not just those taking examinations at the end of the year.
Therefore at Carter's Charity, we have chosen to use the allocation for the pupil premium to support disadvantaged families over the next three years as follows: