Holiday Absence in Term Time
School is a vital ingredient in a child’s whole development. Any time missed can never be regained and will have a negative impact. It is expected that children should only be absent when they are unwell or unable to attend for a valid reason.
It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to obtain the permission of the Headteacher before removing their child from school in order to take a holiday during term time.
Important Update – Changes to Education-related Penalty Notices
You may be aware that the Department for Education has recently announced changes to the national school attendance protocols. These changes came into effect on 19 August 2024. The full guidance can be found here:
From this date, all holidays in term time will be unauthorised unless deemed to be exceptional with the system for penalty notices issued for unauthorised absence in term time also changing:
Where we have concerns about the leave request, we will arrange to meet with you to discuss your application.
For further information:
Please complete the form below and return to school at least 6 weeks in advance of any proposed absence for holiday. If you are struggling to complete the form online, please contact the office for a copy. Alternatively, this is an online version of the form:
As a school, we have defined exceptional circumstance as either of the following:
- first holiday leave request dependent upon the additional factors below.
- an urgent family emergency
In considering the request school will also consider other factors such as:
- The timing of the requested leave, eg when a pupil is just starting at school or during assessment periods, such as SATs.
- A pupil’s attendance record already includes unauthorised absence.
- Attendance is already a concern, or could become a concern, as a result of taking leave.
- Other periods of leave which the pupil may have had, either during the current or previous academic years.